MycoApply Endo/Ecto

A natural native forest survives without extra nutrient imputs, pest control and irrigation because of the presence of mycorrhizae. Undisturbed bushland can be the perfect example of nature working at its best. Ecto mycorrhizae are responsible for healthy Australian native shrubs and tree species.

Addition of ecto mycorrhizae to nursery tree seedlings will ensure better percentage germination and greater survival following out planting. Inoculated seedlings have improved access to soil nutrients and are able to tolerate drought stress. This means increased early growth and better long term health.

Mycorrhizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with the seedling roots producing thousands of filaments that mine the soil for nutrients, excrete antibiotics, and reduce drought stress. Inoculated seedlings not only have a stronger root system due to the extensive filaments but also enjoy increased height and caliper.

Nursery practices that include fumigation, use of sterile growing media and high levels of water and soluble nutrients produce non-mycorrhizal plants. When high levels of fertilizer and water are provided, the non-mycorrhizal plants can grow well in artificial media. However those same seedlings will not easily adapt to field conditions.

Research and field application has shown that if a nursery manager inoculated their seedlings with MycoApply® they saw fewer culls, and greater survival upon transplanting.

At less than half a cent per seedling, mycorrhizal inoculation is easy and affordable insurance. The most economical way to treat nursery seedlings is by watering in the MycoApply®. Mycorrhizal inoculated seedlings are better equipped to adapt to the often harsh conditions they are planted in.

MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 1kg

MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 1kg


MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 5kg

MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 5kg


MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 10kg

MycoApply® Endo/Ecto 10kg
